Revisiting a couple of creepypastas I wrote back in highschool, what I was thinking, and possibly trying to rewrite them.
Also some newer ones I've written in my spare time. These ones aren't much either, but I don't think I can post them anywhere else.
This was mainly written as a shitpost. I thought it would be funny to write a creepypasta based on Little Bear, because I saw there wasn't one already written.
I don’t know how to start this… but I’ll try.
My brother was in film club when we were in high school, and, after lots of begging from him, I became a member.
We were assigned once to make an animation.
When we came home that day, my brother was acting strange, and said, in a low voice, that he needed to start on his animation immediately. He went upstairs to his room without any further conversation. He stayed in his room almost the entire week, leaving only to use the bathroom, eat, and go to school. I was worried, and so were our parents, but we decided to leave him alone.
I still wonder to this day why we decided to do that.
About three or four days before the animation was due, he was finished. I asked to see it, but he said no, even when I offered to let him see mine. He said that it was a surprise for everyone in film club. He then smiled at me. It was the creepiest smile I have ever seen.
The day that the animations were due eventually came.
There were about 6 kids in the film club. (Including my brother and me) Since we were asked by the club director to do so, each of us brought one friend. My brother asked to go last, saying that his was too long to show at the beginning. A lot of the animations were funny, and a few were abstract.
My brother's animation was finally presented, and I was quivering with excitement and anticipation.
The animation started with some static which cleared to a while screen. Everyone inched closer, seeing that the best was, obviously, saved for last.
Boy, were they wrong.
The white faded to something I faintly recognized; a screenshot of an opening title card from Little Bear. Little Bear was a show we used to watch when we were kids. The title appeared which read, in very crude handwriting, Little Bear and the Big Red Book.
The animation started like a normal Little Bear episode. Little Bear was out in the yard playing fisherman. Then he stopped and said that he wondered if Father Bear would like to go fishing the next day. He ran inside to ask.
Father Bear was sitting at the table, with a big red book open before him. Father Bear looked very sad and somewhat angry. Little Bear did not notice and asked Father Bear if they could go fishing tomorrow. Father Bear gave no response, but stood up and walked out of the house without a word.
Little Bear looked disappointed for a second. He climbed into Father Bear’s chair and began to read the red book. A voice that wasn’t Little Bear’s, or anyone in the show’s for that matter, started to read the disturbing poems. As the voice read on, Little Bear got more and more depressed looking, everything except the book slowly faded to grayscale, and the voice got more and more high pitched.
The club director tried to turn off the projector, but it wouldn’t turn off.
Suddenly, everything stopped, and it cut to Mother Bear tucking Little Bear into bed. Little Bear looked extremely shocked with a blank expression. He was staring at the screen, his eyes were extremely bloodshot, and his fur was all mangled. The whole scene, except Mother Bear and Little Bear, was drawn in hyperrealistic detail.
Mother Bear turned off the light and left the room. Little Bear started to sing slowly as the room increased in darkness.
My Bonnie lies over the ocean, My Bonnie lies over the sea, My Bonnie lies over the ocean, Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me.
A pair of red eyes appeared above Little Bear, and a terrifying laugh played. What looked like some monstrosity of a creature jumped onto Little Bear.
The entire screen cut to white. A montage of different scenes of running water appeared.
A little boy’s voice, joined by my brother’s, was singing the same song Little Bear was singing, but with the added lyrics:
Bring back my Bonnie, Bring back my Bonnie, Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me. Bring back my Bonnie, Bring back my Bonnie, Bring back my Bonnie to me.
Then it faded to a picture of me when I was a child, standing next to a grave with my mother’s name on it. A picture of her was attached to the gravestone. Just so you know, my mother is still very much alive today.
The screen then cut to black.
The projector finally turned off, and that was the end of it.
Everyone was shocked. The club director asked everyone to leave except my brother. My best friend and I went to my house to discuss the movie.
“I don’t know how or where he got that picture of me standing next to my mom’s grave.” I had told him. He looked at me, confused.
“No,” He said. “That picture was of ME standing next to MY mom’s grave.”
We were both freaked out. We asked my friend’s parents if he could spend the night. (To which they said yes.) We spent the rest of the night talking about the movie.
The next day was Saturday, and my mother told us that my brother was arrested.
The Monday we came back to school, we found out at an assembly that the other 4 kids in the film club, and the other 5 kids that were visiting, committed suicide after killing their mothers. The film director quit his job and never returned to class.
When I came home that day, I found that my brother was put in prison with a life sentence for 18 accounts of murder and 1 account of public disturbance. He will never be released.
I decided to keep this a secret for so long, but now, I'm afraid. I just needed to tell someone.
Somebody, somehow, found my brother's animation and put it on the Internet on a file-sharing website under the title: Little Bear and the Big Red Book: **NEVER BEFORE SEEN EPISODE**, in some sick hope that it will traumatize little children.
I have contacted the website and asked the administrators to take it down. I am currently waiting for their reply.
Thank you for taking your time to read this.
I think I was trying to convey that the brother had been posessed by some kind of demon or malicious spirit. It just happened to coincidentally line up with this particular animation assignment.
I've seen people theorize that the book contained demonic incantations or something like that. No, they were literally just sad poems with such graphic content that it traumatized poor Little Bear.
As for the song, I'm pretty sure that they sang this song in the show at one point. That's why I included it in the story.
As for the rest? The running water was my attempt at symbolism, I have no memory of what I was trying to symbolize. The strange ending where everyone saw themselves as a kid standing next to their mothers' graves, was a result of the demonic power, as well as why those kids killed their mothers and then themselves. They somehow connected the murders and suicides to the animation, which is why the brother was charged. The reason it didn't affect the narrator and their friend, is because the narrator had a close connection with the brother, and their friend had a close enough connection with them that they were also spared.
This is my attempt at trying to create what the animation in the story could have looked like.
Maybe. It could be fun. There's been several different versions of the original story over the years, with things being changed and added. But maybe I could remake the entire story since lost episode creepypastas are coming back into style.
This is a warning to all parents or anyone who lives or works with young children.
There is currently a supposed unreleased episode of the Nick Jr. show Little Bear floating around on the internet, titled Little Bear and the Big Red Book. Under no circumstances should you let your children watch it, as it contains disturbing images and subject matter. If you see this on any sort of download website or video sharing platform, report it and have it taken down.
This "episode" is an old animation my brother made when we were in high school. He had it on an old laptop that was stolen from our childhood home a few months ago. Our guess is that whoever stole the laptop saw this video on it and decided it would be funny to upload it to the internet to traumatize kids.
Before I get too far ahead of myself, let me give you some backstory.
My brother, since we were little, has had a passion for film and animation, and in high school he joined the film club. I wasn't as big on it as he was, but I would visit the club on Fridays when they had their film showcases. It helped that I also had a friend in the club, and I liked being able to show support for them.
Sometime during our junior year, my brother changed. He would stay in his room most of the time, even to the point where I was worried. Sometimes he didn't come out for school or even to eat or use the bathroom, and he stopped going to film club all together. At the time, we weren't sure what he was going through, and he didn't really know either, just that he "felt off" and was compelled to isolate himself.
Finally, about a week before summer break, he came back to film club for their final showcase of the year. He came just as everyone was about to leave, and insisted, rather aggressively, that we stay and watch his latest creation.
We didn't really have much of a choice, as he barricaded the door so nobody could get in or out. I remember trying to reason with him, but he pushed me to the floor.
Once he hooked up his laptop and opened the video file, it started with a title screen from Little Bear, a screenshot from a VHS tape with "Little Bear and the Big Red Book" written over it.
It's been a while, but I still can remember it vividly.
The video itself was unusual for him, as it looked like it was made in a hurry, crudely drawn in a computer program with flat colors. It was very obvious that he had just combined and drawn over screenshots of the show. There wasn't really any animation or even voice acting, rather just still images with captions of what the characters were supposed to be saying. The background music was music used in the original show, but it sounded like it was being recorded by putting a cheap microphone up to a speaker.
Little Bear was in the backyard, playing and pretending he was a fisherman, and catching huge fish like Father Bear. He then stopped and wondered to himself if Father Bear would want to go fishing that next day. He looked towards the house but seemed to hesitate, standing in place a moment before the captions read "Maybe it will help him feel better."
He wandered into the house, and saw Father Bear sitting in his usual chair, reading a red book with a blank cover. Father bear looked angry, jaded. Little Bear said his name and he looked up at him with a cold expression.
Little Bear looked afraid of his own father, he had to gather the courage to ask him about the fishing trip. Father Bear looked back at his book with a simple "No" and nothing else.
Little Bear continued to stand there next to Father Bear.
"You've been reading that book for a long time, Father Bear." Little Bear's captions read. "Is it a good book, are you almost finished with it?"
Father Bear didn't answer, the music seemed to warp as he began to look angrier.
"Maybe I could read it when you're done with it." Little Bear continued. "What is it about?"
Father Bear put down the book and stood up, and Little Bear cowered in his spot, ducking out of the way as though he were afraid Father Bear would hit him.
"Listen to me, Little Bear." Father Bear's captions read. "You are not to read this book. You are not to even touch this book. Do you understand me?"
Little Bear, staring up at his father with fear in his eyes said "Yes, Father Bear."
Father Bear walked away off screen, the sound of a door opening and closing could be heard as he said "I'm going out, you stay here."
Little Bear sat on the floor to play with his toys, looking dejected, and that's when he heard whispering. The music warped again as he looked up to see the book in the chair. The whispering continued, the book was calling him. Against his father's wishes, he went up to the chair and picked up the book. He sat in the chair and began to read it.
The scene started to fade to greyscale, except for the book, as a voice began to detail horrific instances of suffering and death. I couldn't quite recognize who the voice belonged to, but it sounded almost inhuman. The music began to distort, like a cassette tape in a broken tape player, as the background behind Little Bear twisted and melted along with it.
Little Bear made several fearful expressions, tears began to fall down his cheeks. The scene snapped back to color and went completely silent as he finally threw the book down onto the floor and ran out of the room, hiding under his bed.
It faded to a shot of outside the house at night, with text saying "Many Days Later."
Little Bear was shown laying in bed, with Mother Bear sitting next to him. The scene was very strangely rendered, with real life images of cloth, wood, and plaster texturing the walls and the furniture, making Mother and Little Bear look very out of place. The book, which was cut out of another real life image, was sitting on the nightstand.
Little Bear looked like he had been through hell several times over. No expression, messy fur, bloodshot eyes, just staring straight ahead. Mother Bear looked at him sadly, humming "My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean," a familiar tune that I've heard before in the show. After she finished, she left the room.
It cut to Little Bear, still staring ahead, but it felt like he was staring through the screen at us.
Then, he began to sing the same song Mother Bear was humming, it was my brother's voice, but he had pitched it up to make it sound childlike. He sang slowly, stilted, as the room grew darker around him and the book. As he neared the end of the song, choking on his words like he was about to burst into tears, a pair of large red eyes faded in.
What happened next is...hard to describe. For a second, a creature that looked like a monstrous version of Father Bear appeared behind the eyes with his hands grabbing Little Bear. The next two minutes were like some sort of nightmare acid trip. Little Bear was thrust into a whirlwind of terrifying scenes and images, with the sounds of children crying, distorted laughter, and a very slowed version of the song from earlier.
The teacher in charge of the club attempted to turn it off at this point, but my brother punched him in the face and left him with a bloody nose.
Rushing water could be heard getting louder and louder over the speakers, until it drowned out the other sounds. The scene went white and then faded to a shot of Little Bear, laying face down on the beach, the tide beginning to pull his limp body away.
The final scene was an image of a grave stone with Mother Bear written on it.
Once it ended, the teacher stepped in between my brother and the rest of the class, unplugging the laptop. Two bigger kids cleared the barricade from the door and everyone started to leave. I wanted to stay, but the teacher told me to go, and that he would handle everything.
On the way home from school, I asked my friend if he knew what any of that was about.
"I don't know." He said. "But it was pretty fucked up."
We went to his house. Later on my mom brought my stuff over and told me I should spend the night. I asked her why and what was going on, and she told me that my father was driving my brother to the psych ward. She assured me that everything was going to be okay, but my brother had been rambling about how "they" were going to hurt me, this sudden sleepover was basically to just make him feel better.
My parents also wanted to go through his room and his laptop to find out what had caused all of this, and didn't really want me getting in the way.
When I got home on Sunday morning, my parents had tossed a bunch of garbage out, one of the bags was open enough to where I could see something familiar inside of it. A red book with a blank cover, and several destroyed VHS tapes of Little Bear.
My brother is fine now, and he's on medication. The doctors said that he had been in the early stages of developing schizophrenia, and whatever was in that book caused him to have a psychotic break and believe that demons were speaking to him through episodes of the cartoon. He doesn't like talking about it, understandably, especially the animation he made.
Once he got out of the hospital, he got a new laptop and buried the old one in the attic.
"Out of sight, out of mind." He had said.
Now, we hadn't really thought about the incident until just recently, when my parents went on vacation and the house was broken into, with a bunch of electronics and some jewelry stolen, including the old laptop in the attic. My brother and I didn't think much about it, as a lot of what was stolen was old and easily replaced and our parents weren't too broken up about it either.
That was up until my brother made a frantic discord call to me in the middle of the night, saying he found his four year old daughter watching his old animation on YouTube Kids. He has since gotten the video taken down, but we have both found re-uploads of it on both YouTube and other websites.
The uploads are all titled the same way: Little Bear and the Big Red Book ***NEVER BEFORE SEEN EPISODE***
My brother feels incredibly guilty about this, even though we've all tried to assure him that it's not his fault, and we're trying our best to get the re-uploads taken down. But it's almost impossible, it seems like for every one we get taken down, five or six more pop up in its place.
I know we shouldn't be this desperate to get it off the internet, but I am really begging anyone who reads this to help us in our cause. Not only for the sake of my brother, but for one other reason as well.
I don't really think it was schizophrenia or a psychotic episode that caused my brother to make that animation.
I've never told anyone this but, on that day I came home from my friend's house, I heard whispering coming from our garbage can.
This was an attempt at an original creepypasta. It's much worse than Big Red Book.
I need some help.
A few days back I bought a game from a garage sale on recommendation from the original owner. She even gave me the Gameboy free of charge... She seemed reluctant to give it to me.
As I left, I looked back to see her staring at me as though I were a soldier about to go unarmed into enemy territory.
The game had no label, so I couldn't tell what it was. There wasn't even any residue to show that someone had ripped it off. There was a large scratch on the back and some black streaks of something were coming out of it. Oh, and it was blue. Not any specific type of blue, just blue.
I got to my house and fired up the Gameboy. The game started. When it did, there was just a timer. It counted down from 999 to 899. Then the title screen appeared. It read; SLAP HAPPY the happiest, slappiest game of the century. The title shook me a little, but I shrugged it off and pressed start. The timer came again, starting at 899 and stopping at 799. The character select screen appeared. Most of the characters I couldn't choose, they were locked. The only character I could play as was a depressed looking girl named Tami, which was ironic considering the game was called Slap Happy. I chose her. The timer started up again, starting from 799 and stopping at 699. I was getting annoyed by this. So when it got to the first level I hit pause and selected save. The only thing I got was a white screen with red text reading; SAVE FEATURE HAS BEEN DISABLED BY DEVELOPER DUE TO TECHNICAL PROBLEMS. ENJOY THE GAME!
I figured I was going to have to finish this game in one sitting.
I pressed the A button.
The first level was more depressing than Tami was. I was really wondering why this game was called Slap Happy. I decided to make Tami walk around for a little while. Every few seconds someone would come up to her and say something depressing. It was really an awkward few moments playing the game. At last, I thought about turning it off, But then I saw something pop out from the side of the screen and pop back in. Green words flashed at the top prompting me to chase it. All I could see was its tail as Tami ran faster and faster to catch up with it.
Suddenly, I was prompted to press B.
I did and Tami swung out a huge net. A horrible squeak erupted from the Gameboy Speakers and the screen went black.
The screen then turned white with blue text reading FIRST LEVEL COMPLETE. The count down started again at 699 but this time stopping at 650. A clink sound played every time the numbers changed.
The second level was slightly happier looking, though Tami seemed more depressed. I continued the game, curious. I made Tami walk around just like in the first level and the people who stopped her to talk said slightly less depressing things. The same thing happened with the monster, at least that’s what I think it was, in the first level. Then the countdown came again, 650 to 599. I was starting to get the hang of this. So I kept playing. Each level got happier and the people said happier things as I caught more monsters. But Tami looked more depressed. The countdown came and went with each level, 599 to 550, 550 to 499, 499 to 450, 450 to 399, and so on until I was on the last level and the countdown was at 50. I watched the countdown until it went to zero, then the screen faded out. The screen was then illuminated by colors of all sorts and rainbow text reading: YOU WON! NOW GIVE THIS GAME TO YOUR FRIENDS SO THEY CAN SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE!
I decided to give it to the kid who lived next door to me. He said he would play it when he and his parents went on vacation the following week.
Three days later, there was a news report about a girl from my neighborhood who died of a strange poisoning and her parents were suspected of poisoning her. They showed her picture and I realized that she was the girl who sold me the game. I started to think that she committed suicide when they showed her name, Tami. Then I realized that she sort of did look like the Tami from the game. Well, let me tell you, once I put two and two together I really freaked out. I killed her by playing the game. I killed her. I killed her. No. It must be some kind of coincidence. It must be. Then they started talking about how this is the 7th death due to strange poisoning in this neighbor hood this year. They showed the other photos and I realized that they looked exactly like the locked characters in the game. They were dead, all of them. The next player killing the one who gave them the game. I immediately felt fear for my neighbor and myself. It’s only a matter of time…
Brent Ferguson, the author of this story, was found dead six days later. An autopsy of his body revealed a strange type of poisoning. His wife was suspected for it. About two weeks later, his neighbor, Larry Moore, also died of a strange poisoning and his parents were arrested on suspicion. The whereabouts of this game are unknown, but some have claimed to see it in used game shops, gutters, trash bins, yard sales, and Good Will stores.
I don't know, honestly. But I HATE this story now. I think I was trying to hint that the timer was a count down to the "poison" killing the player. the fuck did I ever think that I could make a timer scary???
So yeah, haunted game that kills you and makes you give it to others so it can spread its reign of terror. Bullshit.
Fuck no.
I really wanted to write something about a mysterious TV channel. This story was partly inspired by 1999, I don't remember if there were other inspirations. I wanted to turn this into a multipart series with a sort of audience participation where people ask me questions, but I decided against it.
I’m a frequent visitor of the late night hours. It started when I was maybe 10 or 11 years old. I fell asleep once at noon and woke up at around eight at night. I wasn’t able to fall asleep at bedtime so I stayed up until 4 am when my father yelled at me to go to bed. Since then, my sleeping patterns have been unnatural. I was tired in school, and even though I managed to pull through and get good grades, I was still having trouble paying attention in class and would be frequently found napping in the unused baseball field during recess. When I started college I had to take classes online because of this. On the weekends my parents didn’t care much that I slept throughout the day, although I was gotten up if it was really important.
Sorry to ramble, this story isn't about me or my life. Since there isn’t much to do late at night, what was a 10 year old supposed to do? My toys got boring quickly. Books and comics could only be read so many times before I could recite them from memory. This was the 80’s, so it’s not like I could have browsed Reddit or Facebook on a smartphone and our computer was in the living room so I couldn't have gone in there to play games. My game consoles were in the basement, which my paranoid mother locked the door to at night and I wasn’t allowed to move them upstairs because my parents didn’t like the sound of them anyways. Going outside was out of the question, of course. So, I was confined to my room until daylight.
So what did I occupy my time with? Well, unlike many kids on my block, I had my own television. This was because my parents liked to keep the living room tv on news 24/7. I figured that if I kept the volume low and kept an ear and eye out for my mother, I could get away with watching all the juicy things that happened on late night television.
Before I go any further, let me explain the concept of The Box, for the younger readers. You see, back in the day television channels were limited to a certain few. Those limited few channels were also limited if you weren’t subscribed to a whole lot of them. Those that you weren’t subscribed to were scrambled. Made unwatchable and sometimes just plain not there. Those were usually R rated movies, porn, and other exclusive content. Many of my friends have fond memories of tuning in to the scrambled Playboy channel, and sitting in front of the tv naked trying to guess if that lump was an elbow or a boob. I, however, did not obtain such memories.
So, television networks would switch frequencies at some point in the day and the only way to see these programs was to get The Box. The Box was a wonderful, magical device. You would hook it up to a television and it would unscramble the channels for a subscription fee. However, these things were easy to make, and many people used them to watch these programs for free, which was illegal. So it was basically stealing television. Kind of like in the mid 2000’s when you would hook up your tv to the neighbor’s Comcast or Dish, or today where you connect your computer to your neighbors unprotected wifi. My father bought one of the illegal boxes off of a friend of his but since he and my mother didn't stay up late enough to watch some of the stuff it unlocked, he hooked it up to my television for whatever reason, thinking I’d get more of a use out of it and trusting me enough to stay away from the more adult content. Of course it wasn’t until later on in life when I realised I could watch unscrambled porn and broke that promise, but that’s an entirely different story.
Now, obviously I couldn’t watch cartoons late at night. We didn’t have 24/7 cartoon channels back then, and kid’s networks usually signed off and turned into static or test bars or some other network until they signed back on. There were other channels that did this too. There used to be such a thing as late night tv. Today they just show infomercials. Though, I guess everyone’s definition of late night tv is different. For me, it was some of the most interestingly eerie shows and commercials I’ve ever seen.
Late at night I was flipping through the channels, looking for an inkling of either a leftover cartoon or a violent movie. When I came across an obscure channel. It was somewhere up high, wedged between a few sports channels. It looked very professionally made, it even had a name. Hehe TV. (Pronounced “Hee-Hee” like laughing) Hehe TV consisted of mainly 3 sitcoms, 2 game shows, and occasionally one talk show. They were interesting, but also unnerving. I’ll try to recollect them the best I can.
The only sitcom I remember was simply called “Mike.” They played this one the most. Mike was about a 13 year old boy named, well, Mike, and his family of his mother, his father, his older sister, and baby brother. I don't remember their names, only Mike’s. The main joke in this sitcom was that Mike’s family hated him. But it wasn’t in a funny sort of way, they actually hated him. Here was another thing about Hehe TV, it was uncensored. Before I discovered it I had never actually heard the word “fuck” on television. And that word was said by Mike’s father to Mike a lot. I remember they actually showed Mike's parents hitting him, like punching him in his arms and chest, hard, and pushing him forcefully enough to send him falling over, often into furniture. His sister would straight up smack him in the face, pull his hair to the point where I was afraid she’d rip his scalp right off, and slam his face into walls and furniture before kicking him in the crotch. His baby brother seemed afraid of him and usually cried and ran away when he was around. At one point there was an episode where the first five minutes were Mike crying and calling out his family and the rest of it was Mike’s family continuing to do their everyday things while the cameras avoided Mike. Everything was played for laughs, as usual.
The commercials were also equally odd. They were always for products or companies that seemed to never exist at all, and they were always in any other language but english, so I couldn’t understand them unless they were in Spanish, which they rarely were. The one they played the most was a minute long and depicted a woman sitting in someone’s living room holding a blue, unlabeled pill bottle and talking about what I assume was whatever was in the bottle. She was speaking in what I now know to be Italian. Near the end she starts to sound distressed and it abruptly cuts off. This, I think, was the only thing on the channel that wasn’t shot professionally. Someone, maybe the woman, maybe someone else, set up a camera in their house, recorded it, and sent the tape to the station.
Another one I remember was for, what I’m guessing, some kind of life insurance company. It was in French, and started off with a kid, no older than 7 or 8, skateboarding down a sidewalk until he falls off the curb. For a few seconds, it showed the boy laying in the middle of the road with fake blood pouring from his mouth. A man then stepped on screen and started talking until the commercial ended. What I thought was the strangest thing about this commercial, it never showed a phone number, or an address, or any way to contact the company. A little green bar popped up at the bottom where one should be, but the information never showed. A funny note, right at the end if you looked closely you could see a glimpse of the boy actor being led offstage by a woman.
There was also a PSA for eyeglasses that showed a woman who was unable to read the walk/don’t walk sign walking into traffic and getting hit by a car, then an ambulance carries her off. It only had one line of dialogue, which was in Spanish, it said “Don’t be a fool, get your eyes checked.” The injuries in this commercial looked real, though it could have been really clever makeup artists.
Moving on, the game shows that were on Hehe TV. There was one called “Stuck.” I was interested in it as a kid but, looking back on it now, it was disturbing. 8 people, 4 men and 4 women, volunteered to be stuck in a small executive type office for a chance to win $50,000. They would have food and drink delivered to them through a dumbwaiter, and they also had a bathroom to use. The object of the game was to be the last one in the office, anyone could bail out at any time and would receive a consolation prize of $1000. Every Wednesday, from 10pm to 2am, they would show live, uninterrupted, uncensored footage of the game.
The contestants would go insane, and the game could go on for sometimes a whole two months. In one broadcast the contestants figured out that one of them, unsurprisingly an overweight man, was hoarding all of the food and water delivered to them. They had to have some of the crew members take him out before he got beaten to death.
In another, there were five contestants left, two men and three women. One woman was crying in the corner while the other two holed themselves up in the bathroom, which one of the men was banging on and yelling at them to come out. The other man laid there on the office desk for two hours before the contestants figured out he had died from an aneurysm in his sleep and two crew members had to carry him out.
There was also a multitude of other things you could never get away with showing on television. Such as contestants having sex, which happened frequently. Once, a man blocked the door to where crew members couldn’t get in and then killed himself by repeatedly stapleing his neck, all office supplies were removed after that. Another time, a woman figured out that the windows could be opened and she jumped to her death along with three other contestants, the windows were permanently locked after that. The most disturbing thing I can remember was another woman crushing herself to death trying to escape through the dumbwaiter. Her muffled, panicked screams as the crew members and other contestants tried to free her have popped up in a few nightmares since then, they replaced the dumbwaiter with a delivery guy afterwards. I believe they ended the show when a guy drowned another guy in the toilet. I’m guessing because they couldn’t put cameras in the bathroom.
I could never understand why they wouldn’t just bail out and take the consolation prize before they got too unstable. I guess they were counting on the others to bail out first, or possibly because they decided to hold out for so long that they became irrational. I mean, $50,000 was a lot back then, and it was possible that most of the contestants were in desperate need of that money. The fact that the studio themselves never thought to remove anyone before it was too late was probably the biggest contributor.
The other one was called “What would you do for one million dollars?” and how it worked was that the contestant had to answer questions until they got one wrong. When they did, they had to throw a dart onto a spinning dart board with various humiliating tasks on it. There were mild things like running naked through a mall or dressing as a baby and having Nanny Nancy, who was a man in drag who spoke with a fake, corny british accent that frequently appeared on the show, push them in a stroller. They were the only two activities that never changed throughout the show.
But there were some that weren’t so tame. Originally I figured that the activities were switched out because a lot of them were too much, but when I started seeing them again on newer episodes, I realized that there were many different ones that were switched out every episode. Again, though, they were pretty dangerous, malicious, and even illegal.
Jumping into extremely cold water naked, getting chased by an unfriendly dog, and punching a police officer in the face are only some of the things people were made to do. The scary thing was that of course there were people who did them, many unwillingly, but those who didn’t were treated to something much worse.
If you refused to do the activity, you had to choose a family member to do it or decide to do it yourself. If you refused to do either, then the host would pick for you. Usually if the host got to pick he would always pick a child if the family had children. The rest of the family was then forced to watch. The sad part is, you weren’t allowed to opt out of the show.
The one talk show that appeared on the channel on Fridays was called “Late night with Moe.” Moe was a middle aged man with curly blond hair that stayed in a sort of softball sized afro at the very top of his head and a beard that reached his mid chest. Every episode he would wear striped tee shirts with black slacks held up by bright yellow suspenders and a pair of navy blue sneakers. Moe was not right in the head at all and did and said things a man of his age shouldn’t. The talk show consisted of mainly interviews with horrible, awful people who talked about why they do what they do in graphic detail. I rarely watched much of it because of that reason.
When I was 15, I got more interested in the unscrambled Playboy channel, so Hehe TV was put on the backburner for awhile. Or at least until my mom caught me and told my dad to block out all the porn channels. I had no choice but to channel surf again, and that’s when I rediscovered Hehe TV. I had tuned into their last broadcast unknowingly.
It was a live showing of “What would you do for one million dollars?”, some kind of anniversary celebration, and it was crazier than usual. All the activities on the board were the shows most dangerous, malicious, and illegal things that have appeared over the course of the show. The contestant was a man who kept getting questions right until a particularly hard one came up, which he got wrong. The man took the dart in his hand and landed on “Steal a baby in broad daylight.” However before the man started the activity he turned to the host and pulled out a badge, he was an undercover cop. He said that the host was under arrest. Several other audience members who were also undercover cops instructed the host down on the ground and started ushering the audience out of the building before the channel cut to test bars. For the next three weeks I tuned into the channel, but Hehe TV was no more.
My mom offhandedly mentioned “That channel you used to talk about when you were a kid” recently, and I wondered if there was anything about the channel online. There was nothing, no wikipedia article, no tv guide listings, no news reports, nothing. I asked around and have, thankfully, met a few people who remember Hehe TV, and one who was a crew member. The crew member said that the hosts of “What would you do for one million dollars?” and Moe were apparently the owners of the channel and had been arrested for, well, it should be obvious how many things they were arrested for. Many of the crew members were also arrested, but the ones I know were either let go because they were conned into working for the channel, or were later miraculously let off on a technicality. One of them jokes that he bought a lottery ticket that day because of the sheer luck. We were all surprised that the channel lasted as long as it did. According to one crew member, it had been around since the early 70’s.
I am open to questions about the channel, I will answer them to the best of my ability but don’t count on complete answers. I had to sit around for days writing down everything I remembered on paper as it came to me. So please don’t be angry if you don’t get a good answer to your question, this did happen a long time ago and what I said here might not even be entirely accurate. The questions I can’t answer on my own I will ask to one of the crew members who are willing to answer them.
This was truly a shitpost I wrote for fun, it's bad on purpose, terrible spelling, grammar, and all, so I hope you get a good laugh out of it.
So you know Yummer, the infamous face tah was found in a Sponebob flash game for children. The develpers of the game sayd that the face was mad as a blendr projkt and becme an indied joke among them.
Well, you wilbe surpised to kno that isnt true. Yummer goes far far back, farther than when the flash game was ever created.
Stephen Hillenburg (may he rest in peace) originally crated the character as a recurring monster character that was a mutationed human from the bikini atol nucler testing. But the only episode he ever appeared in the was considered too scary for childern.
I used to be an internet at nickelodeon studios back when the show as first created. It was the usual boring stoff just rbinging coffeto to other animators adns tuff liket hat. But hnt they made the third episodr of the show iw as invited to coem and watch it because i was friends with oen ofht the peopel who worked ont it.
The episdoe was siplty titles “Yummer” and the title card was black with thin red text and scary music.
T oped up on a normal day in bikini bototn with spongob and patrick playing a game of bubble blownig. Oenf othte bubbled flew away and patrick chased it. He chased it into a scary area with thick green fog everywhere and shadowyy stuff.
Then all of the suddens he heard a voice say “YUM YUM! YUM YUM!”
Patrick turned around and saw him, YUmmer standing there and drooling everywhere and ghanshing his teeth and screaming “YUM YUM! YUM YUM!”
Yumemr than lunge at Oartirck and he screamed and it cut bak to spongebo.
Spongbob said “i wonder where partirk is he hasnt come back fom chasing the bule.”
And squod wird said “he is probably dead because he is stupid and probably got himself killed.”
Spongeob sid “i better go and fin him he is probably in toruble.”
Spogneob followed patricks fotsetpes. And found him with hsi head chomped off and blood oozing out of hsi torn neck.
Iwas shockesd and almost thre up.
Spngedbob said “no patrick my best friend what happned to you?”
Then spognebob heard the voice “YUM YUM! YUM YUM!” and turned around and saw Yummer. Spongebob creamed and ran away all the way to the krust krab and up to mr krabs and said “mt krabs i saw a horrible creature in the spooky cove and he ate patricks head”
Mt kras said “me boy what di it lok like?”
Spongoebo said “it as peachy clored and had no nose and bi bulging eyes and a big teeth adn was yelling YUM YUM! YUM YUM!”
Mr krabs screamed as said “ME BOY THAT BE THE YUMMER adn you probably lead him here and he is gpign to kiled us all you are fired.”
Spogneob started crying and said “I dont watn to be killed by the yummer what can we do?”
M krabs slapped spongbeob hard enough to where he got a black eye and said “shut the fuck you idiot and go and get my gun and bmeet me out back.”
The bubble transition playe and Spongobeb and mr krab waere out bak and mt krab was holding a gun he said “keep watch boy the yumer could be here any minute”
The nall pf the sunden thet heard the sceaming “YUM YUM! YUM YUM!” and tyummer was there. Mr krabs tried to shoot him btu the bullets just bounded off and yummer leabed onto mr kras and tore hm arm off and ate it. Mr krab fainted and ther was blood everywhere and hen yummer tore off his other arm and at that one toto.
Spogneob scremaed and wneto mt krab and said “mr krab wake up” but mt krabs was the dead.
I leaned over in tmy seat and thre wup all over the flor.
Yummer than yellowed “YUM YUM! YUM YUM!” and tried to go for spogebob but he rantin to he kicthn and baradcaded the door. Yummer was banigng the door and still yelling “YUM YUM! YUM YuM!”
Spogneob yelled out “if you are to hungry why dont you have a krappy patty?”
Yummer stoped bangign th te door and said “yum yum” and spongeib made a krabby paty and gave it t yummer. Yummer aite it and said “yum yum” and went int othe kitchen and spigebob made him mroe kraby patys and yummer ate them all.
But then s psogne said “therare not more krabby pattyeis you ate them all”
Yummer got angry and yelled out “YUM YUM” and wnt into the dining area and started eating all the fish. He grabbed them and ripped heir heads off and cherwd when as blood dribbled from his mouth and blood spurtin from the fish necks. All the fsh were dead.
I threw up again.
Spogeobb said “no dont those are my friends”
But yummer didn ot listen and went outside and ran towards sandys hsoue. He borked open the dome and grabbed sandy and smadhes her suit on the ground, drowning her, then he chewed her up and blood continued to dribbled from his moth.
Yumemr then went on a completer rampage smashing up the city and eating fish alive with blood and fish guts flying everywhere. The whole time screaming “YUM YUM! YUM YUM!”
Spogeob was powerless to stop him and layed down the middle of the streed and cried.
Then yummer came up to him adn yelled “YUM YUM” nd picekd up spongbob and went ot eat him but right before he could sonbob woke up in his bed screaming “no no not the yummer”
Gary said “meow” and spongeob realized that it was all just a dream. He called patrick and sid “i just had the worst dream about the yummer.”
Patrick said “oh pongebob the yummer isnt real”
Spongeob hung up the phone and went bak to bed and the camera panend to sponebobs window and yummer wa there looking in the window and he looked at hte camera and whispered “yum yum”
Then the episode ended.
We wer all shocked and one of the nick excutieves said “we cant show this on the network it is too scary for kids”
Then another said “we have to lock this episode up so that nobody can find it.”
Then they took the tape out fo hte vcr and went away.
Stephen was angry that he couldnt show the episode on the air but he understood that it was too scary and we made another episode usntead. Later i saw him leaving with the tape of the episode.
I havent sinced worked at any animation company but when i heard about the yummer being in spengeob saves the day i was shocked. I dont know who put it there but it must have been someone who didnt want yummers legacey to die.
But be warend about the true origns of yummer. He is not what you think.
This is less of a Creepypasta and more of a Spooky Noodle. Not the best, not the worst. I believe this was supposed to have more to it, but went unfinished.
Somewhere on the internet is a cursed video that goes by the name of Carpet. I had the misfortune of stumbling upon it. I was browsing through DeepIntoYoutube on Reddit and a few pages in, there it was. It had been posted only a minute ago, no comments, and only one upvote. It was marked as NSFW and I was a little worried as to what a NSFW video titled “Carpet” was about. I was expecting artsy porn, or some kind of music video about the female body, but it wasn’t either of those.
The video started out in a normal enough looking house, a nice day outside, albeit cloudy. The camera was then picked up and placed low to the ground, focused on the wall and an off white carpet that was one of those low, weaved ones like you see in offices or old people’s parlor rooms. Industrial carpeting, I think it’s called.
A pair of men’s legs and feet walked into frame.
“Oh boy,” I thought, “This guy’s gonna rub his dick on the carpet.”
The man got down on his hands and knees. He was wearing a dingy, thin, off white tank top and a pair of blue boxers. He pressed his face to the carpet and sniffed it, moaning as though it was turning him on. Sweet Jesus, what fresh hell was this? Was this some new weird fetish that I wasn’t aware of until now? As he sniffed, he rubbed his face on it. Slowly at first, then it began to get faster and more aggressive as his moaning got louder and more aroused. You could hear him deeply inhaling the carpet’s aroma while he did.
But I started to fear for the wellbeing of this man. Because of the natural roughness of this type of carpet the more aggressively he rubbed on it, the more rug burned his face got. Every time he lifted his head you could see the redness getting darker, where his skin was starting to break and peel.
Eventually he stood up on his legs, keeping his face down and his arms to his sides. He began to spin around in circles like some possessed dog, screaming, whether in agony or something else I couldn’t tell anymore. A small pool of red began to collect under his face. It got larger and larger until the man stopped and looked at the camera, his face barely recognizable as a face. He fell to the floor. At first I thought he was dead, but I could see him barely breathing. After a horrifying minute of staring at this man’s leaking, destroyed face, an unseen person picked up the camera and turned it off.
I was disgusted, disturbed, traumatized. I went to report the video but got an error, so I refreshed the page. When the page re-loaded, the video had been removed by Youtube (Violation of terms of service/content regulations.). I clicked on the channel that posted it and saw it had no other videos or activity, and it had been made only that day. The discussion tab was filled with people commenting on the video, asking what the hell it was and many calling it fake.
I exited out of the tab and, deciding that was all of the internet I could handle for that day, shut down my computer and went to take a long bath to calm my nerves. But when I went to bed that night, I couldn’t stop seeing that man’s face every time I closed my eyes. I had a nightmare where I was in that house. The man, still disfigured, grabbed me by the back of my head and viciously rubbed my face on his carpet, still stained red from his prior escapade, while a shadowed figure holding a camera laughed.
The next morning I went back to the youtube channel, it was still up but all the comments in the discussion tab had been removed. I went to the reddit post for the video to find people had moved discussion there since the user was flagging comments on their page as spam and removing them, although there was a war in the comments over the validity of the video so I didn’t stay very long. I did check back later when a lot of the argumentative comments were removed, and found that the channel was removed as well.
I know lost episode Creepypastas have a reputation for being notoriously shitty and that it’s hard to make them enjoyable and acceptable, this idea came to me and I figured I’d write it down for the hell of it. It tried to not make it too cliched, but I can’t guarantee that it’s as good as I hoped it to be.
I honestly don't know what inspiried this other than "Wouldn't it be fucked up if the government comissioned special episodes of kids cartoons to play in the event of nuclear war?"
Forewarning, I'm 100% sure that the story behind the acquisition of this tape is complete bullshit, but regardless I ended up with it.
It started with a friend of mine who gave me the tape. He claimed that he was given it by a classmate who got it from a possibly endless chain of friends of friends.
At the end of the chain was somebody's cousin or whoever, who was most likely some sort of intern at Nickelodeon studios or something like that, it doesn’t matter. They were tasked with cleaning the “vault” (Which is apparently just a storage closet.) and then decided to steal a bunch of tapes of supposedly unreleased episodes of old cartoons from the 90’s and early 2000’s. They then transferred them to multiple VHS tapes, intending to sell them for profit. Apparently this single tape of an unreleased Rugrats episode was all they had left after Nickelodeon raided their house.
These were my friend’s words, not mine.
I doubt this whole story. How could one guy sneak however many tapes out of that building without anyone being suspicious? Why steal the tapes? Why sell the copies for profit? Why would Nickelodeon raid the house themselves instead of getting the police to do it? How would they miss one single tape? What is on those tapes that’s so forbidden that it incited a raid? It doesn't make sense. But, here I am with this tape.
The episode:
I’m going to write the following as I watch it, just so I can get every detail correct and offer some of my speculation.
The tape starts up with white text on black, your standard detailing of what series, what episode, episode title, date made, property of nickelodeon, all that. But there was a little extra bit detailing why the episode went unaired. “Controversial Subject: Nuclear Warfare” and another bit under that, “Do Not Air Or Distribute After 12/31/1999.” Keep in mind that this episode was animated, produced, and put on tape in 1993, so it didn’t have to do with the Cold War. Even then, why would the episode even be about nuclear warfare?
The only thing that confuses me is that Rugrats ran until 2004, so why would they choose to give it a no-show date of 2000? Unless they didn't think the show would be relevant after 1999. Regardless, I’m guessing it wasn't to be shown under normal circumstances.
On to the actual episode, it starts off with the opening theme, except it cuts short, like right from Tommy doing his somersault to him squirting milk at the viewers, like they’re really trying to just get on with it. It shows a card saying that the episode was requested by the United States Government under some act that I haven’t heard of until now. Then the episode title: “Do’s Day.”
After the title card we see Stu and Didi packing boxes and asking each other where stuff is like non-perishable foods and first aid kits. Pop, meanwhile, is sitting in his chair polishing an honest to god rifle while mumbling to himself about communists. I guess it's a good plan to start off with the first things kids noticed that had them realize something was wrong. Pop looks up from polishing to shout across the house about how building a bomb shelter in the basement wasn't a crazy idea after all. On the tv in the background there’s something that looks similar to the Emergency Alert System.
Now it hits me. “Do’s day,” “Doomsday.” This is a scenario that my grandparents and parents and their friends would discuss sometimes when I was a kid. Being cooped up in the basement or that strange underground shed mommy and daddy built and waiting for the president to come on the tv.
Should it ever happen, this episode was prepared to distract kids from impending doom or to gently explain their current situation after the fact. This makes me think now, how many other cartoons have secret episodes like this?
Moving on. It quickly pans over to Tommy sitting in his playpen, as blissfully unaware of the situation as any baby would be. He's occupying himself with a ball while we can still hear Stu and Didi panicking in the background. Didi comes over to the playpen, Tommy smiles up at her and she smiles back and goes into the kitchen. I’ve finally noticed that there hasn't been any music so far in this episode past the title theme. Way to hammer it in, Nickelodeon.
The doorbell rings and you can hear Didi answering it and talking with the other adults, the adults walk on screen and put Chuckie, Phil, and Lil into the playpen. The adults leave, the babies start talking about why their parents are packing things in boxes. Tommy comments that the tv has been “making weird noises all day” and Phil and Lil are concerned that the adults want to move “far away.” Chuckie says that his dad has been talking about “Do’s Day” and that all the adults seem to know about it too. This leads to a discussion about what “Do’s Day” can possibly be, and they come to the conclusion that it's a special day out of the year where you do all the work that you haven't had the time to do the rest of the year, and that the adults are cleaning out cabinets and closets. All the kids decide they want to participate in “Do’s Day” and set out to help the adults.
A cute misinterpretation, I admit, kind of takes the sting out of impending death. The episode seems to be a great idea, in theory, to encourage the kids to help out mom and dad and try to get them not to worry because there is a reason they're running around and putting things into boxes and carrying them outside or to the basement.
It shows a montage of the kids around the house doing things to help out the adults, finally there’s some music. The usual army march song they play when they’re doing preparations for their next adventure. Phil and Lil are stacking the cans of food items that Didi couldn’t find in the beginning just outside of the kitchen. Didi finds them and comments on how Stu shouldn’t have left the cans there and goes to find a box to put them in. Chuckie is taking health products (one being an obvious box of tampons, funnily enough) out from under the sink and putting them into a nearby box, then pushes the box to the top of the stairs where Chaz finds it. Tommy is digging in his grandfather’s closet, pulling out MREs, boxes of ammunition, and gas masks and piling them onto the bed. Grandpa Lou finds them, jokes about how Stu and Didi have warmed up to the idea of the bunker, and begins arranging them.
The fun ends when Betty finds the kids about to go into the garage and she corrals them back into the playpen. A few seconds later the doorbell rings again and Stu answers it. It’s Drew and Angelica, and Angelica does not look like her usual self. She looks like she’s been crying and seems angrier than usual. Drew explains that it’s because Charlotte is still at work and they don’t know when she’ll be home or if she’ll be able to come home. It seems like they’ve already explained the concept of nuclear war to Angelica, a bit unusual to be honest. Since they both work in business you expect them to explain stuff related to that to their three year old child to the best of their abilities, but war? Nuclear war, at that? I guess some parents are more honest to their kids than others.
Angelica is brought to the other babies, who are busy chatting about how they got to help with Do’s Day. Angelica starts up her trademark “Don’t you know anything?” speech and tells the babies that it’s Doomsday, being a bit dramatic and saying that “they” are going to “blow up the whole wide world.” This scares the babies and Chuckie screams about how they’re “Doomed for real this time!” Of course, Tommy doesn’t believe her, since Angelica has a habit of lying to the babies. The other babies agree with him and Angelica desperately tries to convince them that she’s actually telling the truth this time, but they just don’t give in. Angelica ends up leaving the playpen, visibly upset almost to the point of tears, and sits in the chair in front of the television. Pop sees her and feels bad for her, so he takes a Dummy Bear video out of the cabinet to put into the VCR.
The scene changes to the front window, where the babies are now for some reason, probably because Angelica left the playpen gate open. The babies watch as Stu chases Spike who has gotten out of the backyard, Stu is holding what looks like a radiation suit made for a dog. Tommy decides to go out and help his father and leaves out the front door without any of the adults noticing. He stops short when he notices Susie and her family packing boxes into their car. Susie sees Tommy and runs over to his house while her mother watches for cars. Tommy asks Susie if her family is moving again. Susie says no and explains that they may have to go away because “My mommy and daddy say bad people are going to blow stuff up, and we need to go to a shelter that’s far away.” Susie gets called back by her mother and she gives Tommy a quick hug and goes back to her family. We see her wave out the car window as they drive away. Tommy just stands there in shock as he comes to the realization that Angelica was telling the truth.
Stu has gotten the radiation suit on Spike (which looks ridiculous) and is surprised to see that Tommy is outside, and wonders how he got out. He brings Spike and Tommy into the house and Tommy joins the rest of the group back at the playpen. Everyone is all wearing radiation suits that Stu had apparently made beforehand. Didi puts one on Tommy before she leaves. The other babies express joy at their new “space suits” and try to get Tommy to play “asternot” with them.
Tommy looks over at Angelica, who is still watching the Dummy Bears, and then tells the babies that she was right and about what Susie told him. The babies almost start crying but are stopped when the adults pick them up and they all move down to the basement. You can hear Angelica yelling “But what about Mommy?” in the background as Drew tries to get her to go with him.
We cut to everyone down in the bunker. The TV is set to the news, the babies try to play with their toys but can’t seem to stay interested, Angelica is huddled against her dad clutching Cynthia (who Stu had very kindly made a radiation suit for as well.), Spike is whimpering at the door wanting to be let out, Didi is trying to get a hold of her parents. It’s all accurate as to what the kids watching could have experienced. It cuts to just Tommy and Chuckie. Chuckie asks Tommy if he thinks someone is going to stop the “bad guys,” Tommy says that somebody has to, that they can’t just do nothing. Chuckie says he hopes someone stops the “bad guys'' soon. Then the episode just ends.
No credits, but the government card from the beginning fades back in again and a voice says “This episode was requested by the United States Government.” The card stays for a few more seconds before the tape abruptly stops.
Final thoughts:
I don’t really know how to feel about this tape. It was scary, though not upfront. There was no gore, there were no revealed secrets, no weird theories about anyone being dead, and nothing was in “hyperrealistic” detail, which I doubt is possible even today. It was great quality for a 90’s show copied to another tape, no low quality video or audio and no sudden bouts of static or loud noises. There was nothing that anybody today would expect from a “lost episode.” I don’t think I could go as far as to say the episode was completely lost, but rather on hold until the right moment came.
I don’t have a clue what I should do with the tape, but for the time being I’ll put it back in its box and set it on top of my vcr. Maybe after this story gets spread around Nickelodeon execs will drop by for the tape and I wouldn’t be hesitant to give it back to them. I have to ask again, though. How many other cartoons have special episodes prepared for when doom strikes? I hope they never have to be shown.
This is partly a shitpost. I was watching Defunctland's video on Club Disney at the time and thought of Abandoned By Disney.
Club Disney was Disney’s attempt at their own Chuck E. Cheese. It had 5 locations with various activities for children and at first glance with all it had to offer it really seemed like it couldn’t fail.
However, Club Disney ran into many problems including lack of things for parents to occupy themselves with, the fact that parents had to pay a separate fee just to be there, and just overall lack of popularity and money.
But none of those reasons are why it closed.
See...I worked there at the time. Not as anything important, really. I was just tasked with walking around and making sure the kids didn’t kill themselves or each other. Every once in a while I’d have to call in a Code Mickey or whatever. I didn’t necessarily enjoy it, but it was the only job I was able to obtain.
It was a couple weeks into my employment when I started to notice something off about the kids as they were leaving the premises. Some of the kids that were well behaved when they entered were suddenly little demons as they were being taken out. Kids would lay on the ground, screaming, until their parents had to either carry them or half-drag them out. Siblings would be fighting with each other as soon as they walked out the door, almost to the point of being wildly violent. Sometimes during these tantrums kids would take off their shoes and throw them across the entrance as a distraction, sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn’t. A single parent would go to retrieve the shoes and the kid would escape back into the play area and disappear, then we’d have to do a lockdown until we found the kid, who would be dragged kicking and screaming out of the play area and back to their parents.
I just kind of chalked it up to the kids not wanting to leave. It was only when the amount of kids that did this started to steadily increase, and when I started seeing more of these kids come back only to repeat the exact same behaviors, I started to get concerned. Not only because of the amount of brats I realized I had in my town, but also because I was just appalled that these parents would continue to bring their kids back despite what seemed to be their behavior when they weren’t on the premises.
I specifically remember one of the parents telling me:
“She loves this place so much, and we can’t afford to go to Disneyland, so this is the closest we can get. I just can’t tell her we can’t go, and she’s good the rest of the week.”
Only for that same kid’s dad to say:
“She’s only good because she wants to go, that’s better than nothing, though, right?”
I decided not to get involved. I didn’t want to be yelled at for telling parents how to raise their kids.
But things started going downhill rather quickly. Rather than just becoming brats as they left, they would become brats as soon as they arrived. Every day there were at least 7 or 8 codes. Areas had to be closed off every other day to clean up blood. Management would come out, refund the parents, and notify them that they were to go home and not come back for a few weeks, no matter what. I would often overhear them giving instructions to remove anything Disney from the home.
I...just kind of ignored it. I didn’t know what to do and I knew that asking questions would result in me losing my job, and I couldn’t risk that.
Then, one day, we had a field trip come in. This was one forte that Disney had hoped for, to reel in schools under some promise of something educational. These kids had come in from out of town, and looked to be the kind of kids who saw just going to a McDonald’s playplace as a privilege. We worked extra hard to make their experience extra special.
Everything started out fine. We started activities with the kids, all the usual educational stuff. The kids had fun and were engaged, well behaved, even some of the shyer looking kids came out of their shells. The kids were then taken to the computer lab while the pizza chefs prepared lunch. I was standing in one corner with a fellow employee, talking about whatever, when I suddenly noticed how eerily quiet it was. Lunch was served, and then we let the kids loose into the play area.
It wasn’t long before the kids stopped screaming out of joy and started screaming out of anger and panic. A code came over my walkie, some kid had bitten another kid hard enough to break the skin. Okay, routine stuff.
Then more codes started coming in from other parts of the premises.
It was total carnage among a bunch of six year olds. Biting, scratching, hitting, kicking, and even choking. We couldn’t get them all under control, teachers were freaking out. At one point, we had to call an ambulance.
It took forever to wrangle all the kids back on the bus and even then they wouldn’t calm down. I finally ran back inside to ask management what to do and found them in the computer lab, smashing all the computers. My boss took me to the employee break room, and explained to me that I should leave immediately, telling me that I was a good employee and shouldn’t be caught up in all this mess. My boss gave me no time to grab my things, telling me I can pick them up at a later date, just go before higher ups arrived. The last thing I saw before I turned to go to my car was my boss about to make a panicked phone call.
Unsurprisingly, Disney closed all of their Club Disney buildings shortly after. I never saw the field trip incident reported on the local news. Which was strange, a bunch of kids going crazy and trying to kill each other would surely make it onto the news, wouldn’t it? Of course, this is Disney we’re talking about. I’m sure they wouldn’t want word of this getting out. You know, preserve the family friendly image.
There was no investigation of it either, as far as I know. But...the computers, the way the kids were completely silent while playing the games, it wouldn’t leave my mind. I went back to the Club Disney I worked at a couple of days after it closed, telling the security guard that I had left something important in there. Very quickly I made my way to the lab. There were a stack of CDs on a table next to all the broken computers, a post-it note on top reading “Destroy Immediately: Failed.”
I took one of the CDs, hid it in my jacket as I left. I don’t think I cared at the moment if the security cameras were on or not.
When I got home, I got out my old laptop and put the CD inside. Whatever program that was on there wouldn’t boot up, but I did manage to look into the files.
They were your standard Disney PC games, but they all had seemingly unnecessary files labeled ClubD. But there was one folder labeled “Management Only.” That only held a single text file.
It read as follows:
Dear management,
I’m sure you’ve heard some concern that Club Disney is losing customers. Rest assured that there is no cause for concern. We have issued these CDs to you as a remedy to this problem. Within these CDs are the same computer games already used in your computer lab, but with an extra special touch of Disney Magic™️. These CDs are guaranteed to keep attracting both old and new customers without raising suspicion from parents.
Please note, however, that these CDs must be swapped out with your normal CDs in order to not risk overexposure to Disney Magic™️. Overexposure to Disney Magic™️ runs an extremely low risk when these programs are used properly, but constant use of these programs can increase the chances.
(Addendum: You may now manually adjust the amount of Disney Magic™️ that is used daily. Swapping CDs is no longer necessary.)
Symptoms of overexposure to Disney Magic™️ include (But are not limited to):
If you start to notice that the children attending your Club Disney facility are experiencing overexposure to Disney Magic™️, take these steps:
We hope that your Club Disney facility continues to thrive!
Note: Be aware that these guidelines may be changed by corporate at any time. In this event, you will be contacted and must follow the instructions immediately and exactly.
I know that once I post this story, I’ll never be able to show my face at any Disney property ever again. I know they have me in their system, I know they’ll be looking for me.
Just, please, remember this story the next time Disney tries to open up another Club Disney.